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Glyphkey (English)Jeroglíficos y escrituras egipcias (hierático, demótico, copto)

Amanuense: El Rincón del Jeroglífico Egipcio

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for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000.

Glyphkey 2.1:CD-ROM of the program for translation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic writing. Software of hieroglyphic writing with dictionary of more than 22.000 entrances and automatic translation, the first and only program of the world with these characteristics. Available in Spanish, English and German. The best complementary tool to the Amanuense and very simple of using.

Communication examples with the Amanuense

  • Offers for the users with registered copy of the program:

    Free dictionaries update downloaded from Internet:

  • Characteristic and utilities of the program: (Click on the images to enlarge them).

Translator: Editor: Dictionary:
gly1.jpg (44388 bytes) gly2.jpg (55995 bytes) gly5.jpg (37988 bytes)


    The program contains numerous examples of translations with which you can practice. Next we show the result of a translation:

Final translation: He ignores this excellent thought.

    The dictionary can look for complete or partial words. Also, it allows to look for with " joker " that substitutes to one or several signs that are unknown or confuse.

    Imagine that we have a trail picture that we want to translate and we are not able to see a word well, in short we don't distinguish a couple of signs. In a normal dictionary, it would take us hours and maybe we never find it, especially if we lack the first sign. 
     Finished that problem type, you can publish the word, to put the lined one instead of the signs that you ignore, and with the dictionary of the Glyphkey, to find in an instant the desired word:

    The first match appears , but you can continue the search to see all the options that the program gives you. In this case the solution is young.
  • Requirements:

    - Operating System: The program works low Windows 95/98/2000/ME and NT.

    - : the necessary ones so that Windows works in a PC.

    - Hard Disk: 10 Mb of free space in the hard disk.

    - CD-ROM.

  • Installation and content of the CD-ROM:

    Executes the file setup.exe of the CD and follow the instructions that it will indicate him the installation program.

    To execute the program should always introduce before the registered CD of the same one, unless it is called from the program Amanuense.

    Additional Contained of the CD:

    - Help: cit contains help in Spanish, English and German, with their respective files in format PDF.

    - Signs: it lists of the 772 more usual signs in Egyptian hieroglyphic writing.

I warn legal:

    The program Glyphkey in all their versions, it is protected by the laws of royalties and international treaties: it is forbidden their sale, reproduction, copies and total or partial distribution, to all person not authorized expressly by the author of the program, Carlos Galucci.

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