Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología (ASADE).

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Hotel utilizado en los viajes a Egipto de la




International Hot spring Hotel

Bahariya - 3*

TELÉFONO: Tel: (02) 847 2322.  E-mail:


UBICACIÓN: The International Hot Spring Hotel is a *** star category and 365km SW of Cairo in Egypt's  Western Desert. It offers comfortable facilities beside the Hot Spring like Gym, Sauna & Massage and sunroof. The quite and the climate of the desert guaranty a restful stay during the season from September to May. The Hotel is located at the food of the Black Mountain, which overlooks the entire Oasis and close to El Bawiti the center of the Oasis. The palm groves invite the visitors as well preserved tombs and temple ruins from Pharaonic reign, the only Alexander Temple in Egypt and the world famous "Golden Mummies" discovered as late as 1995.

The HOT SPRING, located in the courtyard of the reception area has a water source which pours from a depth of 1200m at a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius. The water has a high content of iron, which contributes to the rusty color of the water. A soak in the spring is a wonderful relaxation from the stresses of every day-life .It also brings relief to those who suffer from arthritis and rheumatism.

All 36 Rooms have a bathroom and are equipped with electric heaters during the winter and fans in summer.

The large BEDOUIN TENT inside the spacious garden,   where a  touch of local  flair  can  be found and where you can enjoy Listening to the original Bedouin music from Bahariya Oasis and smoke a water pipe.   During  daytime  it  might sever as seminar And conference room as well as  well  as well  as form wedding banquet.  The RESTAURANT offers simple orient  dishes prepared with the healthy ingredients of the local Oasis Market.


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