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Volume V of the "Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarcgäologie" in the internet 

(alternative domain is presenting the papers of the workshop "Genealogie - Realität und Fiktion von Identiät".


Scarabs, Scaraboids, Seals, and Seal Impressions from Medinet Habu, With Post-Pharaonic Seals and Seal Impressions

Emily Teeter

The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 2003 (Oriental Institute Publications, Number 118). XXIV, 247 pp., 110 pls.

Libro en PDF

Recent Excavations at the Pharaonic Port of Mersa Gawasis on the Red Sea,
2004-2005 Field Season

Sudan: Hungarian archaeology expedition in Nubia
Budapest, 20 Sept. (AKI) - A team of Hungarian archaeologists, headed by Egyptologist Gabor Lassanyi, will conduct excavations in Sudanese Nubia - an area on the river Nile conquered by ancient Egyptians - the Hungarian news agency MTI reports. Work will be conducted close to the Merowe Hamadab dam, a huge hydroelectricity project which will turn a 174-kilometre stretch of  the Nile into a reservoir, causing the local population to relocate. The dam will generate electricity with a capacity of 1,250 megawatts, tripling the country's electricity generation capacity.  The Nile valley has more than 2,000 archaeological sites and Hungary has in the past participated in expeditions, like the 1964 mission to Egypt to rescue an ancient palace threatened by the Aswan High Dam's construction.  Under a bilateral agreement the findings will be shared and the objects will be exhibited in Budapest's Museum of Fine Arts. 
Artículos online
- Schwarz, Sandro, 2001. Das Grab des Anch-Hor (16 MB)
- Schwarz, Sandro, 2002. Die Nekropole von Gebel el-Mawta, El-Areg (PDF, 29 kB)
Herbert W. Fairman, An Introduction to the Study of Ptolemaic Signs and their Values
BIFAO, vol. 43, pp. 51-138 (1945) - pdf-file: 7.7 MB
Helen Fenwick, Ancient roads and GPS survey: modelling the Amarna Plain, in:Antiquity

vol. 78, pp. 880-885 (2004) - pdf-file: 327KB
The Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project is pleased to announce a major update and expansion of our project's website.
The update includes detailed reports on each season between 1992 and 2004, an illustrated glossary of terms, a staff bio page and dozens of new images.
AIGYPTOS, the free online database of egyptological literature, is now also available in English


Journée ATALA : Traitement automatique des langues et langues anciennes
Samedi 21 mai 2005 
Organisation : Remo Mugnaioni, Serge Rosmorduc
Lieu: École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, 46, rue Barrault, 75013 Paris.
Apparu à la fin des années 50, tout d'abord dans une optique de traduction automatique, le traitement automatique du langage naturel (TAL) a assez tôt fait l'objet d'applications dans les langues anciennes, en particulier dans le domaine de l'analyse morphologique et pour la réalisation de corpus électroniques. Depuis une quinzaine d'années, avec la généralisation de l'outil informatique et d'internet, les applications du TAL au sens large du terme se multiplient dans les disciplines philologiques. La présente journée d'étude se propose de faire un tour d'horizon de ces pratiques.


Karanis: An Egyptian Town in Roman Times Discoveries of the University of Michigan Expedition to
Egypt (1924-1935)

Elaine K. Gazda (Ed.)
University of Michigan, 1983. In HTML.
On-line version of the 1983 Kelsey Museum of Archaeology exhibition catalogue of the same name by Elaine K. Gazda.

Evidence for _S. cerevisiae_ Fermentation in Ancient Wine, in: Journal of Molecular Evolution

Duccio Cavalieri, Patrick E. McGovern, Daniel L. Hartl, Robert Mortimer, Mario Polsinelli

vol. 57, pp. S226-S232 (2003)
"_Saccharomyces cerevisiae_ is the principal yeast used in modern fermentation processes, including winemaking, breadmaking, and brewing. From residue present inside one of the earliest known wine jars from Egypt, we have extracted, amplified, and sequenced ribosomal DNA from _S. cerevisiae_. These results indicate that this organism was probably responsible for wine fermentation by at least 3150 B.C. This inference has major implications for the evolution of bread and beer yeasts, since it suggests that _S.  cerevisiae_ yeast, which occurs naturally on the surface bloom of grapes, was also used as an inoculum to ferment cereal products."

Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities (JSSEA)

Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities (JSSEA), vol. 31 (2004)
"As part of an effort to streamline and speed up the publication process of the JSSEA, we have decided to publish to the web all of the articles for the following issues of the journal.  This is an experiment by the editor and we wish to see how this aids in the dissemination of the information in the articles ... The files will normally appear here only until the hard copy version of the journal appears."
- E. Cruz-Uribe, Middle Egypt Quarries Project 2004 Field Season, pp. 1-36
- E. Cruz-Uribe, P. Piccione, J. Westerfeld, Kharga Oasis Coptic Graffiti Project - Preliminary Report of the 2005 Field Season, pp. 37-61
- A. Aufderheide, L. Cartmell, M. Zlonis, P. Sheldrick, Mummification Practices at Kellis Site in Egypt's Dakhleh Oasis, pp. 63-86
- A. Aufderheide, A. Nissenbaum, L. Cartmell, Radiocarbon Date Recovery from Bitumen-Containing Egyptian Embalming Resins, pp. 87-96
- J. Gee, Prophets, Initiation and the Egyptian Temple, pp. 97-107
- D. Kahn, Taharqa, King of Kush and the Assyrians, pp. 109-128
- G. Sanchez, Variations of Representation in the Direction of the Battle of Kadesh, pp. 129-149

L'or dans l'architecture égyptienne

Pierre Lacau, 

ASAE, vol. 53, pp. 221-250 (1955)
"Les Égyptiens ont utilisé l'or pour garnir plus ou moins complètement des colonnes, des portes, des obélisques. Dans le présent article, l'auteur tirela plupart de ses exemples du temple de Karnak." [AEB]

The Tomb of Seti I. Digital Technology in Conservation

La tumba de Seti I. Tecnología digital para la conservación

Adam Lowe, Jess Ahmon.
Factum Arte, Madrid. - Spanish and English version, 31 pp.
"The largest and most lavish of these tombs [in the Valley of the Kings] is the tomb of Seti I but this tomb has been closed since the 1980s due to structural problems. This book describes the first phase of a project that proposes to make this tomb accessible once more in the form of an exact replica ... This work has culminated in the reproduction of a sixteen square metre section of the burial chamber of the tomb."


The Comprehensive Development of the City of Luxor Project, Egypt

Abt Associates Inc., 
Final Structure Plan, Volume I - Technical Report, February 2000 - 120 pp.
Final Structure Plan, Volume 2: Supplementary Documents, February 2000 - 170 pp.
"The purpose of the Comprehensive Development of the City of Luxor Project (CDCL) was to recommend strategies for Luxor that would address, in a coordinated manner:
(1) Preservation and protection of the unique antiquity settings, cultural resources, and heritage of the Luxor region, while expanding opportunities for tourist and visitor activities;
(2) Planned regional growth that would promote sustainable economic development, by preventing further urban sprawl and the deleterious effects of unplanned development on Luxor's cultural heritage and on the living conditions; and
(3) A regional development strategy that would create new economic opportunities for the citizens of the region ... ... the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities and the UNDP in 1997 sponsored Abt Associates Inc. for the study of a 20-year Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of Luxor (CDCL)."

The Saqqara Risk Map, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advanced Information Visualization in Archaeology

Emanuele Brienza
(AIVA 2002), Ancient Olympia, Greece, October 10-11, 2002 - 13 pp.
"The Risk Map for North Saqqara Site it's a project started in the year 2000. This experimental program it is one of the first attempts to afford the problems in the management of the archaeological sites under a complex point of view: archaeological, environmental, socioeconomical, conservation and monitoring questions."

(El libro que se editó puede ser consultado en la Biblioteca de la ASADE en la sede de la Asociación)


Thutmosis III: Family Man. The Ostracon, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 3-7 (2004)

Aidan Dodson

"Tuthmosis III's image is essentially that of a warrior; if one thinks of him in a family context, it is probably to consider the nature of his relationship with his stepmother and aunt, Hatshepsut. However, the surviving data allows us to learn more about his immediate family than is known about that of many of his predecessors."


Excavaciones en Ahmeida de la Columbia University. Dakhleh Oasis Project site no. 33/390-L9-1
Reporte de Excavación. Año 2005
Scavi nel Museo Egizio di Torino. VII. TRAI PAPIRI TORINESI)
Alessandro Roccati
Tell el-Ginn Project (Eastern Delta), July 2003 - 10 pp.
Luc Watrin,
Versión en francés:
Dig Diary: Brooklyn Museum Excavations at the Temple Precinct of the Goddess Mut

Scavi dell'Università di Cassino nel sito di Sanam Abu Dom (Sudan). Campagna 2004/05

Nel corso della campagna di scavi 2004-05 ci siamo proposti di mettere in luce il contesto urbano intorno all'edificio detto "Tesoro", nel quale avevamo lavorato negli scorsi anni. Tra i tanti resti affioranti in superficie sono state selezionate due aree, una delle quali (SA.C 400) è situata proprio a pochi metri dall' ingresso del "Tesoro" mentre l'altra (SA.K 300) è a circa 200 metri più ad ovest, su di un'altura del terreno. Le due aree erano caratterizzate da un'alta concentrazione di ceramica egiziana e di frammenti di avorio, visibili in superficie...


"Enquête sur les reines égyptiennes de la fin du troisième millénaire"
Audran Labrousse, Catherine Berger-el-Naggar
Conférence donnée à l'association France-Égypte, le 4 octobre 1999. - 8 pp., pdf-file: 170 KB
"Depuis ce sont sept tombeaux qui y ont été découverts : tout d'abord les pyramides de deux reines de Pépy Ier, les épouses royales Inenek/Inti et Noubounet, puis le temple funéraire de la reine-mère Ankhesenpépy II ; puis encore deux autres pyramides, l'une au nom d'une reine Méretitès II, épouse d'un roi nommé Néferkarê, l'autre à celui d'une reine Ankhesenpépy, épouse du roi PépyII. Enfin un tombeau pyramidal reste, pour l'instant, anonyme et un autre, celui du prince Horneterikhet, est encore à dégager."


"Conservation of the Sarcophagus of Rameses VI in the Valley of the Kings"
"The reconstruction project for the inner sarcophagus and its lid took place between June 2001 and 2003 ... This is the first time that a royal sarcophagus of the New Kingdom has been reconstructed and exhibited inside the tomb for which it was designed."
Part.. 1 (355 KB):
Part. 2 (422 KB):

Fixing the Fort of Khasekhemuy at Hierakonpolis

Parts 1 and 2.


Giza Archives Project Update
After four years of preparation (2000-2004) and thanks to the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the 'Giza Archives  Project' Web site went live in January 2005.

This evolving resource will serve as a centralized online repository for  all archaeological activity at the Giza Necropolis, beginning with the Harvard University - Boston Museum of Fine Arts excavations (1902 - 1947).

Recent updates and additions (May 2005) to the Web site include the following materials:
-2,641 individual Giza tomb records;
-22,757 original HU-MFA black-and-white excavation photos;
-21,048 records of finds
-3,105 original HU-MFA Expedition Diary pages;
-1,977 ancient & modern people records;
-9,905 plans & drawings, from overview plans to individual burial shafts;
-over 200 free downloadable Giza books and articles in text-searchable PDF format.


Nuevo artículo de la Misión Polaca sobre sus trabajos en las Pirámides de Abusir, en concreto en la zona de Abusir Sur, durante las campañas 2001-2002:
"Research at South Abusir in 2001-2002 - methods and results". 34 páginas. Formato pdf.
Imágenes tomadas por satélite del campo de pirámides de Abusir, con posibilidad de meterle un gran zoom
Imágenes por satélite de las pirámides de Abusir, Saqqara y Dashur

BIFAO.- Le Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale en ligne

BIFAO online. Boletines números 1 a 100 del Instituto Oriental de la Universidad de Chicago, en internet.


"El Campesino Elocuente (1ª parte)". Colección Estudios de Egiptología de Ediciones ASADE. Volumen III.
Libro de 114 páginas en formato A4.
Encuadernación rústica, co
n solapa especial en contraportada para clasificadoras.
P.V.P.: 20 Euros, IVA y portes incluidos para España (10% de descuento para socios ASADE).
Autor: Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez.
© 2005 Ediciones ASADE.
I.S.B.N. 84-933485-3-8
El libro contiene todos los jeroglíficos, transliteraciones y traducciones comentadas, además de otros anexos de gran utilidad:


The Funerary Sacrifice of Animals during the Predynastic Period

Diane Victoria Flores

University of Toronto, 1999. xiv, 215 págs.
"This study is an attempt to rnarshal all the available contextual evidence for the independent animal burials, with the intention of providing a cultural framework within which interpretations for such burials may be adequately evaluated."

Excavaciones en las tumbas del Imperio Nuevo en Saqqara:
Digging Diary 2005

The Sarcophagus of Na-Menkhet-Amon at San Lazzaro Degli Armeni (Venice)

F.Crevatin-F.Muiesan, Il Sarcofago di Na-Menkhet-Amon a San Lazzaro Degli Armeni (Venezia), Trieste 2004 (Italian).


The Book of The Dead of Pashedu (Sforzesco Castle Milan)

F.Crevatin (con D.bertani, ilaria Micheli, L.consolandi), Il Libro dei Morti Di Pashedu (Castello Sforzesco-Milano), Trieste 2004 (Italian)



Ver trabajos anteriores:


Últimos Trabajos en Egiptología - Parte IV
Últimos Trabajos en Egiptología - Parte III
Últimos Trabajos en Egiptología - Parte II
Últimos Trabajos en Egiptología - Parte I



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